photo of St Peter Church, Tanworth-in-Arden
OS: SP113705 show on a map

Tanworth-in-Arden, St Mary Magdalene

The Parish Church of St Mary Magdalene in Tanworth-in-Arden can be found on the East side of the village green near the centre of the village. There is space for some parking near the Church. The ringing room is reached by climbing a spiral staircase whose entrance is from within the tower. The ringing room is quite spacious with wood panelled walls and narrow rectangular windows on three walls.

I visited for the first time on Saturday 5th July 2008 as part of our 2008 tour and while we did not manage to ring a great deal I did find them a pleasure to ring.

The Bells

The tower has a ring of 8 bells with a tenor weighing 12-1-25 in F. Dove's Guide includes details of the bells at St Mary Magdalene. For some reason Dove's Guide does not include information on bell inscriptions so they are shown in the following table.

1 Dove's Guide
to the bells at
St Mary Magdalene
In mem William Henry Smart (1858-1934)
D.D. Sara Anne Smart, his wife 1949
Gloria tibi, Domine
2 In mem Winifred Smart (1888-1948)
D.D. William H Smart, her husband, cw 1949
in te domine, speravi
3 Prosperity to the church 1707
S. Mary Magdalene 1949
4 Richard Sanders of Bromsgrove cast us all 1707
Mears & Stainbank of Whitechapel recast us 1949
5 Henry Haris, John Salltor C.W. 1707
W.H.Smart. T.A.Barratt, Churchwardens 1949
6 HH JS CW 1707
The ringers bell 1949
7 God save Queen Anne 1707
God save Kink George and QE 1949
Tenor Mr John Welchman Vicar
William Chambers
Thomas Parsons
William Hyatt
Richard Insull churchwardens 1733
Dudley W. Lee M.A. Vicar 1949
recast by Mears & Stainbank 1949

While geographically Tanworth-in-Arden is in Warwickshire, the parish church of St Mary Magdalene is affiliated to St Martin's Guild of Bell Ringers for the Diocese of Birmingham.

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