From Churches

OS: SP324673 show on a map

Lillington, St Mary Magdalene

The Lillington Parish Church of St Mary Magdalene is in the north of Leamington Spa in an area that used to be a separate village but has now been subsumed. The church is of this small village town of Warwickshire. The church is bounded on the north by Church Lane and in the east by Vicarage Road. I parked on Church Lane.

The ringing room is reached by a clockwise spiral staircase consisting of 32 concrete steps. The entrance to the staircase in on the outside of the tower. The ringing room is is cluttered with lots of pipes and the clock mechanism. Headroom is restricted by the overhead clutter and there is limited space for anyone not ringing one of the eight bells.

2013-12-12    [ expand ]

The Bells

The tower has a ring of 8 bells with a tenor weighing 9-0-18 in F#. Dove's Guide includes details of the bells at St Mary Magdalene.

The Coventry Diocesan Guild of Church Bellringers also have information on the Lillington Parish Church of St Mary Magdalene.

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