From Churches

OS: SP603194 show on a map

Ambrosden, St Mary the Virgin

The parish Church of St Mary the Virgin, Ambrosden is situated at the end of Church Walk in the west of this sizable village. There is room to park a few cars in Church Walk but I parked on Merton Road and walked about 100 yards along Church Walk.

As you enter the churchyard from Church Walk you are very close to the church and it seems quite cramped. However, the churchyard extends a long way on the north side of the church although the church itself is obscured from view by trees.

2013-04-18    [ expand ]

The Bells

The tower has a ring of 8 bells with a tenor weighing 20-1-6 in E. Dove's Guide includes details of the bells at St Mary the Virgin and more information is provided by the Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers.

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